
英文笑话:Rabbi and Priest

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  A rabbi and a priest are two good friends since God-knows-when. One winter day they went out in the rabbi's car. after having a meal downtown they decided to return to their suburb homes. and then it started snowing.

  The rabbi said "my friend, i hate to trouble you but my vision goes south in a weather like this. can you drive? i know God will reward your kindness"

  The priest replied "my dear friend, sit back and relax. i'll be happy to."

  The priest is quite a devil when it comes to driving, so he went a tad beyond the speed limit. maybe God wanted to teach him a lesson that day, the car skidded violently when the priest was negotiating a minor bend.

  Bang! the car was wrecked after slamming into a tree. miraculously, both of them came out without any scratch. but the rabbi was very upset upon looking at big pile of scrap metal that used to be his chevy but said to the priest rather calmly.

  "My friend, let us praise the Lord for protecting us. there's a bottle of vintage wine in the trunk"

  And so they salvaged the wine, unscratched amidst a pile of messed up chevy. "With this wine we shall celebrate God's love for us" and the rabbi insisted the priest to have a go first. still shaken, he gozzled down half a bottle in no time and then passed the bottle to the rabbi,

  Who says "I see you're nervous. please have some more. it'll help".

  With only a third left, the priest passed the bottle again and the rabbi replied, "it's okay, i'll just wait for the cops to come."

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