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  I bought some pears at my local supermarket. At the checkout counter the cashier commented, “Oh, dear, I've charged you for plums instead of pears.”

  “What's the difference?” I asked.

  “Well,” she said, “plums are smaller and round.”


  (1) pear n.梨

  (2) supermarket n.超级市场

  (3) checkout n.付账出口处

  (4) cashier n.出纳员

  (5) comment v.说话;发表意见



  ① Where was the customer?

  A. The customer was at home.

  B. The customer was in a small fruit shop.

  C. The customer was at a local supermarket.

  D. The customer was at the railway station.

  ② What did the customer buy?

  A. some plums

  B. some pears

  C. some apples

  D. The author bought nothing.

  ③ What does “ comment ” in the sentence“ At the checkout counter the cashier commented” mean?

  A .to say

  B. to argue

  C. to disagree

  D. to permit

  ④ What did the customer mean by saying “What's the difference?

  A .the difference between the two prices

  B. the difference between the appearances of pears and plums

  C. the difference between the colors of the two kinds of fruits

  D. the difference between the tastes of the two kinds of fruits

  ⑤ From the passage we can infer that_____ .

  A. probably there is no price difference between the two kinds of fruits

  B. there is a price difference between the two kinds of fruits

  C. the cashier didn't know the price of pears

  D. the customer was overcharged







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本文标题:梨子与李子 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

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