
爆笑英语幽默笑话精选06:A Story Of Professor教授趣事(英汉双语笑话)

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6.A Story Of Professor


Richer Allan was so forgetful that sometimes he forgot what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. His wife has to constantly remind him about his appointments,his classes一even his meals.Since Allan was a professor at a well一known university,his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment. It was not that he was not intelligent,as some critical people,tended to say. He was just very,very absent-minded.


One  hot  summer  day,Professor Allan decided to take his children to the beach. The seaside town he planed to visit was about a three一hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his children,he kept the name of the town a secret. Unfortunately,by the time Allan had arrived the train station,the poor forgetful man had forgotten the name of the destination himself. Luckily,a friend of his happened to be in the station. He offered to take care of his children,while Allan went back home to find out where he was going.


The professor's wife was surprised to see him again so soon,but she was amused when she heard what the matter was. She distributed his memory,so she wrote the name of the town on a piece of paper. Satisfied that she had solved the problem,she sent her husband off again. Ten minutes later she was astonished to see him outside the house again. What was the matter now? The professor had forgotten where he had left his children.



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本文标题:爆笑英语幽默笑话精选06:A Story Of Professor教授趣事(英汉双语笑话) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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