
英语幽默精读【4】What Grade

阅读 : 147 次


  Kristin,, my 17-year-old niece, had just gotten her driver's license and offered to take her mom's car to the gas station. She pulled up to the full-service pumps, and the attendant asked, "What grade, miss?"

  "Eleventh!" Kristin replied.


  ① niece n.侄女
  ④ full-service n.昼夜服务
  ② license n.驾驶执照
  ⑤ pump n.加油机
  ③ pull up 停止

  ※ Exercises

  (1) How old was Kristin?
  (2) What had she just gotten?
  (3) what did she offer to do one day?
  (4) What did the attendant mean by asking "What grade, miss?"
  (5) How did Kristin misunderstand the attendant?

  ※ 翻译




  ※ 练习参考答案

  ① Seventeen years old.
  ② She has just gotten her driving license.
  ③ She offered to take her mother's car to the gas station.
  ④ He wanted her to select the proper kind of gas for the car.
  ⑤ She thought that the attendant was asking which grade she was in at school.

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本文标题:英语幽默精读【4】What Grade - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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