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英语幽默精读【132】The Use of a Handsaw

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  At the mall, my wife and I picked up some hardware items, including a handsaw. We were heading back to the car when we passed a steakhouse.

  Let's try it. " my wife suggested. Although I felt a little foolish carrying the saw, I followed her inside.

  Scanning the menu, my wife told the waitress, " I' 11 have chopped sirloin, please.

  The waitress turned to me, eyed my saw and commented, "And I see that. you, sir, have come for our T-bone special.

  ※ Notes

  (1) mall n.集市
  (2) pick up 得到;获得
  (3) handsaw n.手锯
  (4) scan v.匆匆地略看;扫视
  (5) chop v.砍;劈;剁
  (6) sirloin n.最好的牛腰肉
  (7) comment v.评论;说话

  ※ Exercises


  ① At the mall, my wife and I picked _____some hardware items, including a handsaw.

  ② We were _____back to the car when we passed a steak house.

  ③ Although I felt a little foolish carrying the saw, I followed her _____.

  ④ _____the menu, m wife told the waitress. " I' It have chopped sirloin please.

  ⑤ The waitress turned to me, _____my saw and commented, "And I see you, sir, have come for our T-bone special. "

  ※ 译文






  ※ 练习参考答案

  ① up ② heading ③ inside ④ Scanning ⑤ eyed

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