
英语幽默精读【49】Do Me a Favor

阅读 : 120 次


  The mechanic was very busy when I took my car in for repairs, so I settled down in the waiting room with a book I'd brought along. The mechanic was in and out answering calls, and at one point he stopped and looked at me . "Would you do me a favor and flip back a few pages when someone comes in? That way it won't look as if you've been here all day."

  ※ Notes

  (1) mechanic n.汽车修理师
  (2) settle down安适地坐下或躺
  (3) do sb a favor帮助某人
  (4) flip v.以指捻

  ※ Exercises


  ① The mechanic was very busy when I took my car ______ repairs.
  ② So I______ down in the waiting room with a book I'd brought_____ .
  ③ The mechanic was ______ and ______answering calls.
  ④ Would you do me a favor and ______back a few pages when someone comes ______?
  ⑤ That way it won't look_____ _____ you've been here all day.

  ※ 译文



  ※ 练习参考答案

  ① in; for ② settled; along ③ in ; out ④ flip in ⑤ as; if

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