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US and Russia arranged a competition to determine whose nation had the bravest troops. The two leaders arrived, at the designated hour, on a plateau in Finland high above the water. Each was accompanied by a battalion of crack troops, smartly uniformed. The leaders shook hands.


US went first. The leader addressed his battalion of Marines:


"Private Jones! Front and center.”


Private Jones saluted and briskly marched to the front of the ranks, facing his commander.


"Private Jones! March to the edge of the cliff.”


Private Jones saluted and briskly marched to the very edge of the cliff.


"Private Jones! Jump!”


Jones just stood there, unmoving.


"Private Jones! I said jump!”


The man’s knees started to shake, but he was otherwise motionless.


"Private Jones! This is your Commander一in一Chief. I ORDER YOU TO JUMP!!!”


Private Jones wailed out: "I can’t! I have a wife-and a family!”


Jones was sent away for court martial. The US leader backed off in disgrace. It was now Russian's turn.


"Comrade Dmitrivich! Front and center.


Comrade Dmitrivich saluted and briskly marched to the front of the ranks, facing his commander.


"Comrade Dmitrivich! March to the edge of the cliff.”


Dmitrivich saluted and briskly marched to the very edge of the cliff.


"Comrade Dmitrivich! Jump!”


Dmitrivich jumped off the cliff.


By some miracle, he was snagged on a branch and he landed on a crag some 50 feet below the top of the cliff. Dmitrivich was badly injured, but still alive and conscions. He was carried away on a stretcher. As Dmitrivich was carried passed Private Jones, Jones could not resist asking him: "Dmitrivich! How could you do it? How could you jump?"


Dmitrivich answered: "I had to! I have a wife-and a family!”


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