E-MAIL英文高手 No. 55 《辦公室遷新址的通知……》
Starting on April 1 this year, Taipei Business Network, Inc. will move to a new location. The new address, phone number, and fax number are as follows:
New Palace 4F
101, Chung-san Road, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Tel: 02-1234-5678
Fax: 02-2345-6789
Customer support now also has two direct phone numbers: one for English and the other for Chinese. Please contact TBN support by e-mail at support@tbn.com for the new phone numbers.
Thank you.
Taipei Business Network, Inc.
New Palace 4F
101, Chung-san Road, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Tel: 02-1234-5678
Fax: 02-2345-6789
Customer support now also has two direct phone numbers: one for English and the other for Chinese. Please contact TBN support by e-mail at support@tbn.com for the new phone numbers.
Thank you.
Taipei Business Network, Inc.