
E-MAIL英文高手 No. 97 《我想參加貴校的暑期英語密集課程……》

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Dear Sir/Madam:

I am planning to stay in the U.S. this summer, and while in America, I would like to be enrolled in one of your intensive summer English courses. Before coming to the U.S., therefore, I would like some information about the courses offered this summer. I am particularly interested in knowing the following:

1. How many courses are available?

2. What are the requirements for admission?

3. What is the tuition fee for each course?

4. When is the final deadline for registration?

Could you please send me your replies to the above questions by the end of June either by e-mail or by fax, as I am scheduled to leave Taiwan on July 10. Thank you.


Chi-wei Huang


Fax: +886-2-1234-5678

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本文标题:E-MAIL英文高手 No. 97 《我想參加貴校的暑期英語密集課程……》 - 英语书信格式_英语写信格式_英语求职信


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