
Apology letter

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Dear Jone,

I am writing to apologize for my immediate going home after the exam without saying goodbye to you.It was very rude of me to do so especially as we have been such good friends.

You know,shortly after the exam,I received a telephone call from my father,saying that my elder sister had borne a baby the day before.I was so pleased at this news that I couldn’t wait to get home to see my elder sister and my niece.I left in a hurry that I didn’t have time to tell you.I feel terribly sorry for that.

To make up for my thoughless behavior toward you,I want to invite you to come and stay with my family during the vacation.My hometown is located in a city on the seashore and this is the most beautiful season of my hometown.

I believe you can understand me and accept my sincere apologies.How I wish I could see you soon in my hometown!please write and let me know your decision.


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