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第三,多多抓住机会练习口语。多跟外教交流,学地道口语。举个例子来讲,climb这个词我们都知道是“爬”的意思,所以“爬山”我们就说“climb the mountain”。然而,老外理解的爬是用双手攀登的爬,而不是蹬着台阶内种,所以,我们习惯的用法往往会产生歧义。建议多看看美剧、电影什么的。了解真正的native speaker怎么说。

First, we must lay a solid foundation. To tell the truth, since on this three schools, or can not relax. Entrance Examination, then many competitors, strong man a lot. How to stand out from these people to lay the foundation first. Words can not put some of what grammar. The university will also offer basic English, grammar lessons, these courses must be good to learn nice.

Second, we must listen more and more practice. It is best to listen to what the Western original, rather than domestic some sites processed audio. The main thing is to practice hearing this long period of time will naturally result. If you insist on listening to VOA through a semester, I believe that the level of your English listening soon gain an advantage in your class. I recommend the "Dictation" is a good way. Start Some may not understand or understand words, as long as to slow down, can hear more and more. Also, to read more, read English books, from easy to difficult. Accumulate, you can stick with it must be useful.

Third, the lot seized the opportunity to practice speaking. And more exchanges with foreign teachers, learning authentic spoken. For example speaking, climb the word we all know is "crawling" means, so "mountain" we say "climb the mountain". However, the foreigner to understand the climbing is climbing with both hands to climb, not the Deng Zhao step within the species, so we are accustomed to the use of often ambiguous. See more US-proposed theater, movies, whatever. Learn how to say the real native speaker.

Fourth, the language and culture are closely related. New Oriental's teacher told us a better understanding of Greek mythology, the Bible study in English of what helpful. I ignored this before, and now trying to make up. Recommend you for a dictionary "Webster's Dictionary allusion." The dictionary is a small phrase in the English-speaking vocabulary of allusions ah, more interesting. However, the whole English language, estimated time to get to see under the temper resistance.

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