

阅读 : 1374 次


--the quick brown fox jumped softly and stealthily over the lazy black dog.

--there was a time in my life when i liked to eat biscuits for breakfast.

--the yellow canary sang pretty songs in its cage for many years.

--there is a time for everything under the sun.

--the hands of the clock never seem to stop going round and round.

--the big bear slept soundly in its dark cave throughout the long and cold winter.

--the large flakes of fluffy snow fell down out of the darkened sky.

--just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down into your stomach.

--i want to go outside for a long walk.

--we will have our supper after we have weeded the garden.

--i said nothing at all during the days and weeks when my classmate was thinking about a big decision.

--i am so tired of hearing the people across the street arguing day and night!

--i want to live with my chickens and my vegetables in a small courtyard house in the forest or desert.

--the banquet will be held in a famous beijing restaurant.

--"essentials of british and american culture" is a useful class for us.

--i rushed out of the classroom and dashed into the dining hall to find there was no food left.

--this is the first time she baked a chocolate cake all by herself.

--i always feel bitterly homesick at festivals when most families are getting together.

--she likes eating fried bananas.

--my friend posted me a toy cat as a birthday present.

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