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  Unemployment is viewed as the number one problem in China now and the government has launched a major attack on the problem.

  The steps the government has taken to deal with unemployment are as follows. Firstly, unemployment fund has been established to help the unemployed workers to support themselves. Secondly, the unemployed receive vocational training, which is expected to pay off in the short term and give the unemployed an advantage in the job market. It is due to the lack of professional skills that these workers have lagged behind in the society. These training programs aim to equip the workers with some special skills, such as typing, sewing, and cooking. Finally, psychological advice is also available, since unemployment, apart from exerting financial pressures, brings enormous psychological discomfort. With the advice, the unemployed will learn how to adapt to the fierce competition in the technological age.

  With the joint efforts of the government and the society, we are optimistic that we can win the current war on unemployment.

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