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  Thrift is considered as a kind of virtue not only in China but also in the world. Thrifty people take great care not to waste anything when they are doing things and not to waste any money when they are spending it. As a virtue, thrift is very important to everyone. In the world some people spend their money like water, while others keep the habit of practicing thrift. The latter never spend their money on useless things, what's more, they always make good use of their money, for example, to help the poor to do things out of charity. By doing this they have made contributions to the society and their virtue has been highly appreciated.

  Live within your means.

  Not everyone knows how mysteriously money dribbles away in petty expenditure. If we don't take care of the cent, it will mount to dollars, which will take wings and fly away. We should always remember the English proverb“Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves”。 Sometimes we want to go out to have holidays with our family and by means of thrift the money to be spent on such occasions can often be saved beforehand. Sickness sometimes comes and unless preparation has been made, there is much difficulty in meeting the increased expenditure. So everybody should try to save as much money as possible.

  China is a developing country. If we Chinese people are all thrifty and working hard, surely our country will be stronger and stronger, and then one day become a very rich and prosperous one.




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