
范文:Blood Donation Without payment

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  Blood Donation Without payment

  Blood is vital to the human body. It carries nourishment and oxygen to tissues, and at the same time, removes wastes and carbon dioxide. A person will die if he loses too much blood. Nowadays blood transfusion is saving millions of dying people. Without an adequate store of blood, the modern medicine can't develop.

  Blood donation doesn't harm the donator's health. First, only healthy people are allowed to donate blood; besides, every time, only a small amount of blood is taken from the donator. His body will make a quick adjustment to allow the body to operate normally.


  文章从血液对人体的重要性和献血对人体的影响两方面对无偿献血活动进行了论述。每段句首为主题句,使整篇文章结构清晰。行文流畅,用词准确。句式虽略显简单,但“carry, remove, make an adjustment”等词语的恰当使用,使文章呈现出一定的变化。

  We may miss the point of life by being too important.

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