

阅读 :

Mirrors Are Funny


  Mirrors are funny when I look in mine, I always see someone who is looking just fine. Though people insist that my hair is not combed, And my face is not clean; that is not like theSomeone I always have seen! They say, 'stand Up straight!' and, 'stop frowning like that!' and, 'Here, let me brush the dry mud from your hat!'and, 'if you could see yourself, I will tell you, Miss you surely would try to do better thanthis! Go look in the mirror!' I do. And in mine I always see someone who is looking just fine. Do you think, if I tiptoe when I go upstairs, and look in the mirror when it is unaware I will see what they see?

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本文标题:短篇英语范文【77】有趣的镜子 - 英语作文范文_英语作文万能句子_英语作文模板


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