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A Visit to the Hospital


  Yesterday afternoon I left the house at about three o'clock and did not get home until 5:30. I Went to see a friend of mine. My friend, Nancy Huang, was in the hospital. We talked, all after- noon. We talked about a lot of different subjects. We talked about the weather, and we talked about our old friends. I asked a lot of questions. She answered all of my questions. Then she asked me if I spoke French, and I said I spoke Little French. She wanted to know if I spoke French with an accent, and I said I did. Finally, I asked her if she wanted to watch television for and then I said good-bye. She said good bye. And I left the hospital at about five o'clock.

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本文标题:短篇英语范文【118】探病 - 英语作文范文_英语作文万能句子_英语作文模板


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