
范文:Choosing an Appropriate University and a Major

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  Choosing an Appropriate University and a Major

  Choosing an appropriate university and a major is a common concern that worries both students and their parents. By tradition, a famous university or an excellent major means a successful career in the future.

  Who should be seriously involved in this problem, students or their parents? Usually many parents impose their decisions on their children. They think that they know more than their young and they have more experience. However, they should leave enough room for the students to do whatever they want to. If the students choose a major which they are interested in, they will exert their effort to work and study future and they want their dreams to come true. They would like to choose their own majors.

  This problem is worthy of our attention. Parents should respect their children's decisions and at the same time students should also take their parent's advice into consideration.



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