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Thank you. Thank you to Ambassador Alex Wolff and to our U.S. Mission here at the United Nations. And it’s wonderful to be back at the United Nations for this occasion.

谢谢大家。谢谢亚历沃尔夫大使和来到联合国的美国代表团。能在这样一个时刻 回到联合国真是太棒了。

I want to thank the deputy secretary general for being with us. I’m very pleased that my friend and someone who once represented the United States here before becoming Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, could join us; members of the diplomatic corps and representatives to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women; many of my friends, elected officials from New York, including Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, who has been recognized and who is a great champion of women’s rights and responsibilities and to all of you. This final day of the 54th session of the UN Commission brings to close a week of a lot of activities, and it reminds us of the work that still lies ahead.

我要感谢一直与我们在一起的副秘书长。非常髙兴我的朋友玛德琳奥尔布莱 特也能参加本次大会,在成为国务卿之前她曾代表美国来到这里;非常高兴看到联 合国妇女地位委员会的外交使团的成员和代表们的到来;也非常高兴看到许多我的 朋友们——来自纽约的当局官员们,包括众议院女议员卡罗琳马洛尼,她是妇女 权利和责任的伟大捍卫者;非常高兴看到你们所有人。经过一个星期的忙碌,联合国人权委员会第54次会议即将结束,当然我们不能忘记,以后还有许多工作要做。

Fifteen years ago, delegates from 189 countries met in Beijing for the Fourth World Conference on Women. It was a call to actiona call to the global community to work for the laws, reforms, and social changes necessary to ensure that women and girls everywhere finally have the opportunities they deserve to fulfill their own God-given potentials and contribute fully to the progress and prosperity of their societies.

15年前,来自189个国家的代表们聚集在北京召开第四届世界妇女大会。会议呼 吁人们行动起来,呼吁国际社会要行动起来,去制定必要的法律,进行各方面的改 革以及必要的社会变革,以保证各地的妇女和女孩最终能拥有她们应有的机会,发 挥上帝赋予她们的潜能,从而为社会的进步和繁荣贡献她们的力量.

For many of us in this room today, that was a call to action that we have heeded. I know some of you have made it the cause of your life. You have worked tirelessly, day in and day out, to translate those words into realities. And we have seen the evidence of such efforts everywhere.

对于在座的许多人来说,这是一次要求我们行动起来的号召,也是我们耳熟能 详的号召。我知道你们中的一些人巳经把它当作了毕生追求的事业。你们孜孜不倦 夜以继日地工作,就是为了实现那些承诺,你们的努力在世界上是有目共睹的。

In South Africa, women living in shanty towns came together to build a housing development outside Cape Town all on their own, brick by brick. And today, their community has grown to more than 50,000 homes for low income families,most of them female-headed.

在南非,生活在棚户区的妇女团结一致,在开普敦外靠她们自己一砖一瓦建造 起了房屋。今天,她们的社区已发展成为一个可为5万多户低收入家庭提供住所的地 方,其中大部分的户主都是女性。

In Liberia, a group of church women began a prayer movement to stop their country’s brutal civil war. It grew to include thousands of women who helped force the two sides to negotiate a peace agreement. And then, those women helped elect Ellen Johnson Sirleaf president, the first woman to lead an African nation. In the United States, a young woman had an idea for a website where anyone could help a small business on the other side of the world get off the ground. And today, the organization she co-founded, Kiva, has given more than $120 million in microloans to entrepreneurs in developing countries, 80 percent of them women.

在利比里为了阻止残酷的内战,一群在美国,一位年轻妇女突发奇想创 建了一个特别的网站,通过该网站,任何人都可以为世界其他地方的小企业提供帮 助。如今,她参与创立的基瓦公司已向发展中国家的企业家提供了 1.2亿多美元的小额贷款,这些企业家中有80%都是女性。

So as we meet here in New York,women worldwide are working hard to do their part to improve the status of women and girls. And in so doing, they are also improving the status of families, communities, and countries. They are running domestic violence shelters and fighting human trafficking. They are rescuing girls from brothels in Cambodia and campaigning for public office in Kuwait. They are healing women injured in childbirth in Ethiopia, providing legal aid to women in China, and running schools for refugees from Burma. They are rebuilding homes and re-stitching communities in the aftermath of the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile. And they are literally leaving their marks on the world. For example, thanks to the environmental movement started by Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai, 45 million trees are now standing tall across Kenya, most of them planted by women.

就像我们今天聚集在纽约一样,此刻世界各地的妇女都在尽自己最大的努力去 提髙女性的地位。与此同时她们也提髙了家庭、社区和国家的地位。她们经营着家 庭暴力避难所,并打击人口贩卖活动;她们从柬埔寨的妓院营救出落难的女孩,并 竞选科威特的公职;她们为埃塞俄比亚妇女治愈因为分娩落下的病根,为中国的妇 女提供法律援助,并为缅甸的难民建造学校;她们为震后的海地和智利重建家园和 社区。她们正逐步发挥自己对世界的影响力。例如,响应于诺贝尔奖得主旺加里 马塔伊发起的环境运动,4500万棵树已经茁壮地生长在肯尼亚各地,而这些树大多 数都是妇女种植的。

And even young girls have been empowered to stand up for their rights in ways that were once unthinkable. In Yemen, a 10-year-old girl was forced to marry a much older man made headlines around the world by marching into court and demanding that she be granted a divorce, which she received. And her courage helped to shine a spotlight on the continuing practice of child marriage in that country and elsewhere.

现在即使是年轻女孩也能够以不同的方式去行使她们的权利,这在过去是不可 想象的。在也门,一位10岁的女孩被迫嫁给了一位比他大好多岁的男人,这成为了 世界各地新闻的头版头条,世界的舆论压力迫使法庭给予她离婚的权利,最后成功脱离了苦海。她的勇气照亮了仍然存在童婚的所有国家。

Now, these are just a few of the stories, and everyone here could stand up and tell even more. These are the stories of what women around the world do every day to confront injustice, to solve crises, propel economies, improve living conditions, and promote peace.

这些只是我随便举出的几个例子,我相信在座的每个人都可以讲出好多这类的 故事来。这些都是世界各地的妇女的故事,是关于她们勇敢对抗不公正行为、解决 危机、推动经济、改善生活条件和促进和平的故事。

Women have shown time and again that they will seize opportunities to improve their own and their families5 lives. And even when it seems that no opportunity exists, they still find a way. And thanks to the hard work and persistence of women and men, we have made real gains toward meeting the goals set in Beijing.

妇女们再三表明她们会抓住各 种机遇去改善她们自己及家庭的生活条件。即使希望渺茫,她们仍然会设法寻找机 会。由于人们的辛勤工作和坚不懈,我们已经取得了真正的成果,离我们在北京 设定的目标又近了一步。

Today, more girls are in school. More women hold jobs and serve in public office. And as women have gained the chance to work,learn, and participate in their societies, their economic, political, and social contributions have multiplied. In many countries, laws that once permitted the unequal treatment of women have been replaced by laws that recognize their equality, although for too many, laws that exist on the books are not yet borne out in their daily lives.

现今,更多的女孩能够上学;更多的妇女得以工作并担任公职。因为妇女获得 了工作、学习和参与各种社会活动的机会,她们在经济、政治和社会生活方面的贡 献也在不断增加。在许多国家中,那些曾经歧视妇女的法律已被认可妇女平等权利 的法律所取代,尽管对太多人来说,以条文形式存在的法律尚未在日常生活中发挥 效用。

But the progress we have made in the past 15 years is by no means the end of the story. It is,maybe, if we’re really lucky, the end of the beginning.There is still so much more to be done. We have to write the next chapter to fully realize the dreams and potential that we set forth in Beijing. Because for too many millions and millions of girls and women, opportunity remains out of reach. Women are still the majority of the world’s poor,the uneducated, the unhealthy, the unfed. In too many places, women are treated not as full and equal human beings with their own rights and aspirations, but as lesser creatures undeserving of the treatment and respect accorded to their husbands, their fathers, and their sons.

但过去15年里我们所取得的进步绝不是故事的结尾,我们的努力绝不就此停 止。如果我们足够幸运,这也许只是开篇的结局。我们还有更多的事情要做,我们必须谱写历史的下一篇章,从而实现我们在北京许下的梦想和希望,因为世界上还有太多太多的女性仍与机会失之交臂,妇女仍 是世界上贫穷、无知、不健康以及忍饥挨饿的多数群体。在许多地方,妇女并没有 被当做一个拥有自身权利和志向、充分拥有平等人权的人去对待,而被看做是低等 生物,她们一直得不到跟她们的丈夫、父亲和儿子同等的对待和尊敬。

Women are the majority of the world’s farmers, but are often forbidden from owning the land they tend to every day, or accessing the credit they need to invest in those farms and make them productive. Women care for the world’s sick, but women and girls are less likely to get treatment when they are sick.

妇女占据了世界上的农民中的大多数,但人们却往往禁止她们拥有她们日日耕 作的土地,或者剥夺她们投资农场以使其高产的资格。妇女照顾着世界上的病人, 但当她们生病时,却很可能得不到相同的待遇。

Women raise the world’s children, but too often receive inadequate care when they give birth. And as a result, childbirth remains a leading cause of death and injury to women worldwide.

妇女养育着世界上的儿童,但当她们分娩时却往往得不到应有的护理。结果, 分娩仍然是一个导致全球妇女死亡和受伤的主要原因。

Women rarely cause armed conflicts, but they always suffer their consequences. And when warring sides sit at one table to negotiate peace, women are often excluded, even though it is their future and their children’s future that is being decided.

妇女极少引起战乱,但却总是承受着战争所带来的后果。而当交战双方坐下来协 商和平时,妇女又往往被拒之门外,即使那将决定着她们及她们子孙后代的未来。

Though many countries have passed laws to deter violence against women, it remains a global pandemic. Women and girls are bought and sold to settle debts and resolve disputes. They are raped as both a tactic and a prize of armed conflict. They are beaten as punishment for disobedience and as a warning to other women who might assert their rights. And millions of women and girls are enslaved in brothels, forced to work as prostitutes, while police officers pocket bribes and look the other way.

尽管许多国家已通过法律来制止对妇女施行暴力行为,但这仍然是一种全球性 通病。女性仍然被买卖以抵债和解决纠纷;无论是战胜还是战败,她们总是被战争蹂躏着;她们因拒绝听命于人而受到殴打,并以此向其他坚持自身权利的妇女敲响 警钟。当警务人员受贿或者贪图其他利益时,数百万妇女和女孩就可能遭遇沦为妓女。

Women may be particularly vulnerable to human rights violations like these. But we also know that in many places, women now are leading the fight to protect and promote human rights for everyone. With us today are several women I was proud to honor earlier this week at this year’s United States State Department’s International Women of Courage Awards. They have endured isolation and intimidation, violence and imprisonment, and even risked their lives to advance justice and freedom for others. And though they may work in lonely circumstances, these women, and those like them around the world, are not alone. Let them know that every one of us and the many others whom we represent are standing with them as they wage their lonely but essential efforts on behalf of us all.

也许妇女特别容易受到类似人权侵犯之类的伤害。但我们知道,在许多地方妇 女同时又在领导着保护和促进每个人人权的斗争。更让我引以为豪的是,今天与我 们在一起的许多妇女在这周的早些时候都荣获了今年美国国务院授予的国际妇女勇 气奖。她们忍受了隔离和恐吓、暴力和监禁,甚至冒着生命危险去维护正义和他人 的自由。也许她们在孤立的情况下努力着,但这些妇女,以及世界上像她们一样的 妇女,她们并不是在孤军奋战。要让她们知道的是,我们每一个人和我们所代表的 所有人都将与她们一起将这孤独却举足轻重的事业进行到底。

The status of the world’s women is not only a matter of morality and justice. It is also a political, economic, and social imperative. Put simply, the world cannot make lasting progress if women and girls in the 21st century are denied their rights and left behind.

提髙世界妇女的地位不仅是一件与道德和正义有关的事情,也是一件与政治、 经济和社会有关的迫在眉睫的事情。简而言之,如果21世纪女性的权益遭遇否决和 滞留,那么世界将不可能获得持久的发展。

The other day I heard The New York Times columnist Nick Kristof, who has done so much to bring to a wide audience the stories of individual women who are working and suffering because of conditions under which they are oppressed. And he said, you know, in the 19th century, the great moral imperative was the fight against slavery. And in the 20th century, it was the fight against totalitarianism. And in the 21st century, it is the fight for women’s equality. He was right, and we must accept and promote that fundamental truth.

前不久,我听说《纽约时报》的专栏作家尼克克里斯托夫付出诸多心血,向广大读者呈现了一系列讲述妇女们在受压迫的环境下辛勤工作的遭遇。他认为,在 19世纪,最大的道义责任就是反对奴隶制;而在20世纪,它是对抗极权主义。在21世 纪,它就是争取妇女平等。他是对的,我们必须接受和促进,基本的真理。

Now, I know there are those一hard to believe—but there are those who still dispute the importance of women to local, national, and global progress. But the evidence is irrefutable. When women are free to develop their talents, all people benefit: women and men, girls and boys. When women are free to vote and run for public office, governments are more effective and responsive to their people. When women are free to earn a living and start small businesses, the data is clear: they become key drivers of economic growth across regions and sectors. When women are given the opportunity of education and access to health care,their families and communities prosper. And when women have equal rights, nations are more stable, peaceful, and secure.

现在,我知道有些人——很难相信——有些人仍在质疑妇女对地区、国家和全 球进步的重要性。但事实是不可辩驳的,只要妇女得以自由地发挥她们的才能,所 有人都会受益:男男女女,老老少少;只要妇女得以自由地投票和竞选公职,政府 就会成为更高效、更顺应民心的政府;只要妇女得以自由地谋取生计、创办各种小 型企业,她们将成为各地区和各部门经济增长的主要动力;只要妇女有机会接受教 育和获得医疗保健,她们的家庭和社区就会蒸蒸日上;只要妇女拥有平等权利,世 界就会国泰民安。

In 1995,in one voice, the world declared human rights are women’s tights and women’s rights are human rights. And for many, those words have translated into concrete actions. But for others they remain a distant aspiration. Change on a global scale cannot and does not happen overnight. It takes time, patience and persistence. And as hard as we have worked these past 15 years, we have more work to do.

1995年,全世界都在异口同声地宣布:人权就是妇女权利,妇女权利就是人权。 对于许多人来说,这些话语巳转变成为具体行动;但对另一些人来说,这仍然是一个 遥不可及的幻想。世界性的变革不能也不会在一夜之间发生,它需要时间、耐心和毅力。尽管在过去15年间我们巳经作出了艰辛的付出,但我们仍需十分地努力。

So today, let us renew our commitment to finishing the job. And let us intensify our efforts because it is both the right thing to do and it is the smart thing as well. We must declare with one voice that women’s progress is human progress, and human progress is women’s progress once and for all.

因此,今天让我们重申曾经的承诺,让我们加倍努力,因为这不仅是正确的事 情,这还是个明智之举。我们必须一致宣布,妇女的进步就是人类的进步,人类的 进步永远是妇女的进步。

This principle was enshrined 10 years ago in Millennium Development Goal Number 3,the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. And that goal is essential for the realization of every other goal. Today, this principle is also at the heart of the foreign policy of the United States. We believe that women are critical to solving virtually every challenge we face as individual nations and as a community of nations. Strategies that ignore the lives and contributions of women have little chance of succeeding. So in the Obama Administration, we are integrating women throughout our work around the world.

促进性别平等和赋予妇女权利这一原则10年前就被载入了千年发展目标的三号 文件里,这一目标对其他所有目标的实现至关重要。如今,这一原则仍然是美国外 交政策的核心。不管挑战来自于一个独立的国家,还是国际大家庭,我们都相信妇 女对实际解决我们所面临的每一个挑战起着关键性的作用,任何忽视妇女生活和贡 献的策略都注定失败。因此,在奥巴马政府统治期间,我们将让妇女参与我们在世 界各地的工作。

We are consulting with women as we design and implement our policies. We are taking into greater account how those policies will impact women and girls. And we are working to identify women leaders and potential leaders around the world to make them our partners and to help support their work. And we are measuring progress, in part, by how much we improve the conditions of the lives of women and girls.

制定和实施政策时,我们会咨询妇女的意见;我们会更多地考虑到这些政策将 如何影响女性。我们将在世界各地努力物色女性领袖和潜在领导人,使她们成为我 们的合作伙伴并支持她们的工作。我们将把女性的生活环境是否得到改善作为衡量 我们的进步的标准之一。

This isn’t window dressing, and it's not just good politics. President Obama and I believe that the subjugation of women is a threat to the national security of the United States. It is also a threat to the common security of our world, because the suffering and denial of the rights of women and the instabUity of nations go hand in hand.

这不是弄虚作假,也不是高明的政治手腕。奥巴马总统和我都相信,压迫女性 是对美国国家安全的一种威胁,也是对世界安全的威胁,因为妇女所遭受的痛苦和 对妇女权利的剥夺同国家的动荡是相辅相成的。

The United States is implementing this approach in our strategy in Afghanistan. As I said in London in January at the International Conference on Afghanistan, the women of Afghanistan have to be involved at every step in securing and rebuilding their country. Our stabilization strategy for both Afghanistan and Pakistan includes a Women’s Action Plan that promotes women’s leadership in both the public and private sectors; increases their access to education, health, and justice; and generates jobs for women, especially in agriculture.

在处理阿富汗的事情上,美国已实行了这一方案。正如今年一月我在伦敦参加 的阿富汗国际问题会议上所说的一样,阿富汗的妇女必须参与到保护和重建国家的 每一个行动中去。我们在对阿富汗和巴基斯坦的稳定策略中设定了一项妇女行动计 划,这一计划将促进妇女对公共和私营部门的领导,增加她们获得教育、健康和公 平的机会,并为妇女创造更多的工作机会,尤其是在农业领域。

This focus on women has even been embraced by the United States Military. Allwomen teams of Marines will be meeting with Afghan women in their homes to assess their needs. Congress has joined this focus as well. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, under Chairman John Kerry, empowered a subcommittee charged with global women’s issues that recently held hearings on promoting opportunity for Afghan women and girls.

对妇女的关注已引起美国军方的注意,全部由女性组成的海军陆战队将与阿富汗 国内的妇女会面,以确定她们各方面的需求。美国国会也对此给予了关注,在约翰 克里主席的带领下,参议院外交关系委员会授权组建了一个专门负责处理全球妇女问 题的小组委员会,并在最近针对为阿富汗女性争取机会的问题举行了听证会。

History has taught us that any peace not built by and for women A Farsighted Predictor is far less likely to deliver real and lasting benefits. As we have seen from Guatemala to Northern Ireland to Bosnia, women can be powerful peacemakers, willing to reach across deep divides to find common ground. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 reflects this principle. Now, we must work together to render it into action and achieve the full participation of women as equal partners in peace. And as women continue to advocate for peace, even risking their lives to achieve it, many are praying that we will keep the promise we made in Resolution 1888 to take significant steps to end sexual violence against women and children in conflict.

历史告诉我们,那些不是由妇女或不是为了妇女建立起来的和平永远不可能带来真正而持久的利益。正如我们从危地马拉到北爱尔兰,再到波斯尼亚所看到的一 样,妇女是强大的和平缔造者,因为她们渴望跨越鸿沟寻求共同点,联合国安理会 第1325号决议就反映了这一原则。如今,我们必须共同努力将它付诸行动,并将妇 女视为平等的合作伙伴让其充分参与到和平事业中去。当妇女继续倡导和平,甚至 甘愿冒着生命危险去实现和平时,许多人祈祷着,我们将遵守在1888号决议中许下 的承诺,采取重大措施,结束对妇女和儿童的性暴力行为。

We have begun the process laid out in the resolution. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has appointed a special representative. Now we must press ahead to end forever the evil of rape in conflict, which has caused suffering beyond imagination for victims and their families.

我们巳开始落实该决议中所制定的议程,潘基文秘书长已经任命了一位特别代 表。现在我们要一鼓作气,永远结束斗争带来的魔鬼般的蹂躏,因为它给受害者及 其家庭造成了超乎想象的苦难。

For the United States, women are also central to our ongoing work to elevate development as a key pillar of our foreign policy alongside diplomacy and defense. As those who grow the world’s food, collect the water, gather the firewood, wash the clothes, and increasingly, work in the factories, run the shops, launch the businesses, and create jobs, women are powerful forces for any country’s economic growth and social progress. So our development strategies must reflect their roles and the benefits they bring.

对美国来说,作为外交和国防等外交政策的顶梁柱之一,妇女对我们未来的不 断发展是极为重要的。因为她们在世界各地种植粮食、收集用水、采集木材、清洗 衣服,并且越来越多的妇女在工厂工作、经营商铺、发展业务并创造就业机会,她 们已经成了推动国家经济发展和社会进步的强大力量。因此我们的发展策略必须考 虑到她们的作用和她们创造的成果。

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本文标题:希拉里2010年在第54届联合国妇女地位委员会上的演讲:女性是和平缔造者(中英) - 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿


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