1948 Democratic National Convention Address by 修伯特·亨佛瑞
mr. chairman, fellow democrats, fellow americans:
i realize that in speaking in behalf of the minority report on civil rights as presented by congressman demiller of wisconsin that i'm dealing with a charged issue -- with an issue which has been confused by emotionalism on all sides of the fence. i realize that there are here today friends and colleagues of mine, many of them, who feel just as deeply and keenly as i do about this issue and who are yet in complete disagreement with me.
my respect and admiration for these men and their views was great when i came to this convention. it is now far greater because of the sincerity, the courtesy, and the forthrightness with which many of them have argued in our prolonged discussions in the platform committee.
because of this very great respect -- and because of my profound belief that we have a challenging task to do here -- because good conscience, decent morality, demands it -- i feel i must rise at this time to support a report -- the minority report -- a report that spells out our democracy, a report that the people of this country can and will understand, and a report that they will enthusiastically acclaim on the great issue of civil rights.
now let me say this at the outset that this proposal is made for no single region. our proposal is made for no single class, for no single racial or religious group in mind. all of the regions of this country, all of the states have shared in our precious heritage of american freedom. all the states and all the regions have seen at least some of the infringements of that freedom -- all people -- get this -- all people, white and black, all groups, all racial groups have been the victims at time[s] in this nation of -- let me say -- vicious discrimination.