
名人励志演讲:为理想我愿献出生命 I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal--纳尔逊·曼德拉

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I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal
为理想我愿献出生命——纳尔逊·曼德拉 演讲稿中英双语对照February 11,1990

I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to see realized. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.

我反对白人统治,也反对黑人统治。我珍视民主和自由社会的理想,在这个社会中,人人和睦相处,机会均等。我希望为这个理想而生,并希望能实现这个理想。但是如果需要,为理想我愿献出生命。--------------------------------------My friends, comrades, and fellow South Africans: I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy, and freedom for all. I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore have placed the remaining years of my life in your , I extend my sincere and warmest gratitude to the millions of my compatriots and those in every corner of the globe who have campaigned tirelessly for my release. I extend special greetings to the people of Cape Town①, the city through which — which has been my home for three decades②. Your mass marches and other forms of struggle have served as a constant source of strength to all political ③. It has fulfilled our every expectation in its role as leader of the great march to , Comrade Oliver Tambo④, for leading the ANC even under the most difficult circumstances.
我的朋友们、同志们和南非同胞们: 我以和平、民主和全人类自由的名义,向你们大家致意。今天我站在你们面前,不是作为一名预言家,而是作为人民的谦卑公仆。你们不懈的奋斗和英勇的牺牲才使我今天有可能站在这里,因此,我要把余生献给你们。在我获释的今天,我要向千百万同胞,向世界各地为我的获释作出过不懈努力的人们,致以真诚的、最热烈的感谢。 我要特别感谢开普敦的人民,我以开普敦为家住了30年。你们大规模的游行示威和其他形式的斗争一直是所有政治犯们的力量源泉。我向非国大会议致敬。作为一个领导我们奔向自由的政党,它实现了我们对它的所有期望。我向我们的主席——奥利弗·坦博同志致敬,他在最艰难的环境下领导着非国大。

prophet/prfit/ n. 预言者, 先知, 提倡者
compatriot /kmptrit/ n. 同国人, 同胞
salute /slu:t/ v. 行礼, 致意, 问候

I salute the rankandfile members of the ANC: You have sacrificed life and limb in the pursuit of the noble cause of our ⑤, like Solomon Mahlangu and Ashley Kriel, who have paid the ultimate price for the freedom of all South Africans. I salute the South African Communist Party for its sterling contribution to the struggle for democracy. You have survived 40 years of unrelenting persecution. The memory of great communists like Moses Kotane, Yusuf Dadoo, Bram Fischer, and Moses Mabhida will be cherished for generations to come. I salute General Secretary Joe Slovo⑥, one of our finest patriots. We are heartened by the fact that the alliance between ourselves and the Party remains as strong as it — it always , the National Education Crisis Committee, the South African Youth Congress, the Transvaal and Natal Indian Congresses⑦, and COSATU⑧, and the many other formations of the Mass Democratic Movement. I also salute the Black Sash⑨ and the National Union of South African Students. We note with pride that you have looked — that you have acted as the conscience of white South Africa. Even during the darkest days in the history of our struggle you held the flag of liberty high. The largescale mass mobilization of the past few years is one of the key factors which led to the opening of the final chapter of our — Your organized strength is the pride of our movement. You remain the most dependable force in the struggle to end exploitation and oppression.我向非国大的普通党员们致敬:你们在争取自由的伟大事业中赴汤蹈火英勇献身。我向“民族之矛”的战士们——如所罗门·马赫兰古和艾希莉·柯瑞尔——致敬,他们为了全体南非人的自由而流尽了最后一滴血。我向南非共产党致敬,它为南非的民主斗争作出了非凡的贡献。你们经受了40年的无情迫害而坚持了下来。南非世世代代的人民都将怀念摩西·科达恩、余素夫·达都、布莱姆·费舍尔以及摩西·马西达等伟大的共产主义者。我向秘书长乔·斯洛沃致敬,他是我们最杰出的爱国者之一。一个鼓舞人心的事实是,我们和共产党的联盟依然一如既往地坚不可摧。我向统一民主阵线、国民教育危机处理委员会、南非青年会、德兰士瓦省及纳塔尔印度人大会、南非贸易联合会以及其他各种形式的群众民主运动组织致敬。我还要向“黑肩带”妇女协会以及南非学生国民联合会致敬。我们骄傲地看到你们的言行代表了南非白人的良知。即便在我们斗争史上最黑暗的岁月里,你们也高举着民主自由的大旗。过去几年里,大规模的群众动员是揭开我们斗争最后篇章的主要因素之一。我要向我们国家的劳动阶级致敬。你们团结起来的力量是我们争取自由运动的骄傲。你们依然是我们反剥削反压迫斗争中最可依赖的力量。

limb/lim/ vt. 切断手足,切断树干
hearten/hɑ:tn/ vt. 鼓励, 激励, 振作
oppression/pren/ n. 压抑, 沉闷, 压迫手段

I pay tribute — I pay tribute to the many religious communities who carried the campaign for justice forward when the organizations of our people were silenced. I greet the traditional leaders of our country — many among you continue to walk in the footsteps of great heroes like Hintsa and , you, the young lions. You, the young lions, have energized our entire struggle. I pay tribute to the mothers and wives and sisters of our nation. You are the rockhard foundation of our struggle. Apartheid has inflicted more pain on you than on anyone , we thank the world — we thank the world community for their great contribution to the antiapartheid struggle. Without your support our struggle would not have reached this advanced stage. The sacrifice of the frontline states will be remembered by South Africans , black and white, recognize that apartheid has no future. It has to be ended by our own decisive mass action in order to build peace and security.

The mass campaigns of defiance and other actions of our organizations and people can only culminate in the establishment of continent is in calculable. The fabric of family life of millions of my people has been shattered. Millions are homeless and unemployed. Our economy — Our economy lies in ruins and our people are embroiled in political strife. Our resort to the armed struggle in 1960 with the formation of the military wing of the ANC, Umkhonto we Sizwe, was a purely defensive action against the violence of apartheid. The factors which necessitated the armed struggle still exist today. We have no option but to continue. We express the hope that a climate conducive to a negotiated settlement will be created soon so that there may no longer be the need for the armed , strategies, and , I feel dutybound to make the point that a leader of the movement is a person who has been democratically elected at a national conference. This is a principle which must be upheld without any , I wish to report to you that my talks with the government have been aimed at normalizing the political situation in the country. We have not as yet begun discussing the basic demands of the struggle. I wish to stress that I myself have at no time entered into negotiations about the future of our country except to insist on a meeting between the ANC and the ⑩ has gone further than any other Nationalist President in taking real steps to normalize the situation. However, there are further steps, as outlined in the Harare Declaration, that have to be met before negotiations on the basic demands of our people can begin. I reiterate our call for, inter alia, the immediate ending of the State of Emergency and the freeing of all, and not only some, political prisoners. Only such a normalized situation, which allows for free political activity, can allow us to consult our people in order to obtain a mandate. The people need to be consulted on who will negotiate and on the content of such negotiations. Negotiations cannot take place — Negotiations cannot take place above the heads or behind the backs of our people. It is our belief that the future of our country can only be determined by a body which is democratically elected on a nonracial basis. Negotiations on the dismantling of apartheid will have to address the overwhelming demands of our people for a democratic, nonracial and unitary South Africa. There must be an end to white monopoly on political power and a fundamental restructuring of our political and economic systems to ensure that the inequalities of apartheid are addressed and our society thoroughly , we base our policy and strategy on the harsh reality we are faced with. And this reality is that we are still suffering under the policies of the Nationalist , so that the process towards democracy is rapid and uninterrupted. We have waited too long for our freedom. We can no longer wait. Now is the time to intensify the struggle on all fronts. To relax our efforts now would be a mistake which generations to come will not be able to  role in a united democratic and nonracial South Africa is the only way to peace and racial harmony. In conclusion, I wish to quote my own words during my trial in 1964. They are as true today as they were then. I spoke: I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and — and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.

我国各个团体和我国人民的大规模反抗等运动只有在民主制度的确立中才能达到高峰。种族隔离制度给我们这片次大陆造成了难以估量的破坏。我们成千上万人的家庭生活遭到了毁坏。几百万人流离失所,没有工作。我们的经济遭到严重破坏,我们的人民卷入了政治冲突。我们在1960年诉诸武装斗争,建立了非洲人民国民大会的战斗组织——“民族之矛”,这纯属为反抗种族隔离制度的暴力而采取的自卫行动。过去那些要求我们必须进行武装斗争的种种因素在今天依然存在,因此除了继续进行武装斗争外我们别无选择。我们希望,不久将会出现一种有利于通过谈判解决问题的局面,这样就可以刀枪入库马放南山了。我是非洲人国民大会忠于职守、遵守纪律的一员。因此,我完全赞同它所提出的所有目标、战略和战术。和以往一样,现在的重要任务是把我国人民团结起来。任何个别领导人都无法独自肩负起这个重担。作为领袖,我们的任务是向我们的组织阐明观点,并允许通过民主机制来决定我们前进的方向。对于实行民主问题,我感到有责任强调一点,即民主运动的领导人要由全国大会通过民主选举而产生,这是一条必须坚持且不能破例的原则。今天,我愿意向你们报告一下,我同政府进行一系列会谈的目的一直是让我国的政治局势正常化。迄今为止我们还没有开始讨论本次斗争的基本要求。我愿意强调一下,就我国的未来前途,我除了坚持要求在非国大和政府之间进行磋商以外,本人决不会介入和政府的谈判。在采取切实可行的措施使局势正常化方面,德·克勒克先生比任何一位民族主义总统走得都远。但是就如同《哈拉雷宣言》规划的那样,在就我们人民的基本需要展开谈判之前,我们还有更多措施需要实施。其中,我特别强调,我们要求立即结束紧急状态并释放所有而不是一部分政治犯。只有在一个允许人们自由从事政治活动的正常化的环境里,我们才得以和人民商议以便取得人民的授权。在谁将参与谈判以及谈判内容上,我们都需要和人民商议。谈判不能——谈判不能凌驾于我国人民之上或背着人民进行。我们相信,我国的未来只能由一个在不分肤色的基础上通过民主选举而产生的机构来决定。消灭种族隔离制度的谈判必须满足我国人民的压倒一切的要求,即建立一个民主的、不分种族的和统一的南非。由白人垄断政治权力的状况必须结束,还必须从根本上重建我国的政治制度和经济制度,以便确保种族隔离制度产生的不平等问题得到解决,并保证我们的社会彻底实现民主。有一点必须另加说明,就是德·克勒克先生本人是一个正直之人,他准确认识到,一个公众人物如不履行其职责必将带来后患。但是作为一个组织,我们基于我们所面临的严酷现实来制定我们的政策和策略,这个严酷现实就是我们依然在民族主义政府的政策下苦苦挣扎。我们的斗争已经到了关键性时刻。我们呼吁人民要抓住这个时机,以便加快我们的民主进程并不使其中断。对于自由我们等待得太久。我们不能再等了。现在是我们在各条战线上加强斗争的时候了。 现在我们若放松努力将铸成大错,我们的子孙后代将不会原谅我们。地平线上出现一抹自由的曙光,这曙光会激励我们加倍努力。只有通过有纪律的群众运动,我们的胜利才有保障。我们呼吁白人同胞加入到我们塑造一个新南非的行列中来。自由运动也是你们的政治家园。我们呼吁国际社会继续孤立这个实行种族隔离制度的政府。取消对这个政府的制裁就等于冒险,而这种冒险可能会导致根除族隔离制度的进程流产。我们迈向自由的步伐不会逆转。我们绝不允许让畏惧挡住我们前进的道路。按照选民共同的职责,在民主统一且不分种族的南非实行普选,是通向和平与种族和谐的唯一途径。最后,我想引用一段我在1964年受审时说过的话。这段话在当时是正确的,在今天依然正确。我说:我为反对白人统治而斗争,也为反对黑人统治而斗争。我珍视有一个民主和自由社会的理想,在这个社会里,人人和睦相处,机会均等。我为这个理想而生,并希望实现这个理想。但是如果需要,我也准备为这个理想而死。

energize /endaiz/ vt. 使活跃, 赋予能量
frontline/frntlɑin/ n. 前线,头等
preliminary /priliminri/ adj. 初步的, 开始的, 预备的
consult/knslt/ v. 商讨,向……请教,查阅
defiance/difains/ n. 蔑视,违抗,挑衅
shatter/t/ vt. 打碎,破掉,散开
strife/straif/ n. 争吵,冲突,倾轧,竞争
apartheid/pɑ:t/ n. 种族隔离
conducive/kndju:siv/ adj. 有助于……的
dutybound adj. 义不容辞的
uphold/phuld/ v. 支撑, 赞成, 鼓励


根除 About the Author尼尔森·曼德拉(1918年7月18日—),南非反种族主义战士,南非首位黑人总统(任期:1994年—1999年),被尊称为南非国父。1944年曼德拉放弃继承父亲的酋长地位,参加南非非洲人国民大会(Congress of the People,简称非国大),参与创建国民大会青年联盟,并于1951年担任主席。1961年,曼德拉组织非国大军事组织“民族之矛”对抗白人政府,担任国民大会军事总司令,转入地下从事武装斗争。1962年,曼德拉被捕,以“煽动罪”和“非法出国”被判入狱5年。1964年在狱中又被控以“阴谋暴力推翻政府”改判无期徒刑。1990年被监禁27年之后,曼德拉被无条件释放,再次当选非洲人国民大会主席。1993年,曼德拉获得诺贝尔和平奖。1994年,非国大在南非历史上首次多种族共同参加的大选中获胜,曼德拉当选总统。在曼德拉的领导下,南非由一个长期实行野蛮、落后、残暴的种族隔离制度的国家,变成了一个民主的国家。1990年香港乐队组合Beyond的歌《光辉岁月》,正是以曼德拉的传奇故事作为题材谱写的。

Background of the Speech1990年2月11日,面带微笑的曼德拉以矫健的步伐和胜利者的姿态迈出了监狱的大门,在开普敦向迎接他出狱的数万名南非人民发表了激情澎湃的演讲。曼德拉出狱时说了一句意味深长的话:“当我走出狱室,迈过那扇通往自由的监狱大门时,我已经完全清楚了,若不能把悲痛和怨恨留在身后的监狱里,那么我自己其实仍是生活在狱中。”从曼德拉铿锵有力的声音中,能感受到这位72岁的老战士“老骥伏枥,志在千里”的雄心。

①开普敦(Cape Town)是南非召开共和国会议的立法首都,是重要港口,南非第二大城市,仅次于约翰内斯堡。
⑤翻译成英语就是“Spear of the Nation”,是曼德拉创建的非洲人国民大会的军事组织。
⑦这两个组织都是圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)成立的,旨在废除南非存在的对印度人的歧视。
⑧全称为The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), 是南非的贸易联盟组织。
⑨The Black Sash是一个主要由南非白人妇女组成的非暴力抵抗组织,成员身披黑肩带以示对南非种族歧视的抗议。
⑩德·克勒克(1936—),南非前总统(任期:1989—1994),民族主义党(National party)的领袖。虽然身为白人总统,但是他反对南非的种族隔离政策,因此上台不久即撤销了对非国大的限制并释放了曼德拉。1993年和曼德拉一起获得诺贝尔和平奖。
inter alia:拉丁语,意思为among other things,即其中、尤其的意思。

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本文标题:名人励志演讲:为理想我愿献出生命 I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal--纳尔逊·曼德拉 - 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿

