
古德明英语军事小故事:乃 知 兵 者 是 凶 器 (中英对照)

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乃 知 兵 者 是 凶 器

during the american civil war, an ohio doctor named richard gatling witnessed almost daily the departure of troops to the front and the return of the wounded, sick, and dead. the most of the latter lost their lives not in battle, but by sickness. it occurred to him that if he could invent a machine gun which could, by its rapidity of fire, enable one man to do as much battle duty as a hundred, the size of armies could be reduced, and consequently the number of deaths by combat and disease could also be reduced.

in 1862, gatling patented the gatling gun, which was accepted by the union army in 1866, and proved devastating when turned on the enemy. machine guns have gone on to become a most efficient means of killing, while the idea of saving lives has long since been buried along with gatling.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:乃 知 兵 者 是 凶 器 (中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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