
The Hare and the Tortoise(野兔)

阅读 :

One day a hare met with a tortoise at the foot of a hill.

“Hallo, little Tortoise! Where are you going? How short your legs are!” said the hare.

“ I am going over to the hill. I am a slow runner, but I can run a race with you,” said the tortoise. “All right. Let's run a race with you to the top of the hill,” said the hare.

The hare and the tortoise started. The hare ran very fast. The hare said to himself, “ I can much faster than the tortoise, and I may have a little nap here.”

So the hare lay down under a tree and was fast asleep. But the tortoise did not stop for a moment. He walked on and on. At last he got to the top of the hill.

The hare woke up and looked around, but he could not see the tortoise. He sprang up and ran as fast as he could. When the hare got to the top of the hill, he found the tortoise was resting there peacefully.

The tortoise said to the hare, “Now, Mr. Hare! Which was the faster runner, you or I?”


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