
古德明英语军事小故事:「抛人出窗口」事件 (中英对照)

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in the 15th century, religious reformers in bohemia dissatisfied with the abuses of the roman catholic church were called the hussites. on 30 july 1419, jan zelivsky, a hussite priest, led his congregation through the streets of prague to the town hall, calling for the release of several hussites imprisoned by the magistrates. when a stone was thrown at zelivsky from the window of the town hall, the crowd became enraged and stormed the hall. once inside, they threw seven members of the town council out of the window to their death.

the king of bohemia was so stunned when the defenestration was reported to him that he had a heart attack and died. war broke out between the hussites and the papal and imperial forces soon afterwards.

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