
古德明英语军事小故事:地 毯 中 央 的 苹 果 (中英对照)

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古德明《征服英语》之英语军事故事,古德明,香港英语教育作家,他开了一个《征服英语专栏》,在专栏中专门用英语写了世界近代史上的军事小故事,用英语讲述历史中那些惊心动魄的战争。地 毯 中 央 的 苹 果

muhammad ali, governor of egypt under the ottoman empire in the early 19th century, was directed to punish the wahhabis who had defied the sultan's command. he had difficulty subjugating the area called nejd.

one day, he found himself sitting with his generals, each of whom declared that if given command he could easily conquer nejd. ali rose and placed an apple in the centre of a large carpet. “ the task of conquering nejd is difficult, ” he said. “ it's like seizing this apple without setting foot on the carpet. the man who can do so is the man capable of capturing nejd. ”

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:地 毯 中 央 的 苹 果 (中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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