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one of the largest battles in human history, the battle of stalingrad raged for 199 days. at different times the germans held up to 90% of the city, yet the soviet army fought on fiercely, and in november 1942 launched a massive counter attack that ended in disaster for germany.

friedrich paulus, commander of the german sixth army, asked for permission to surrender to save the life of his troops, but hitler refused, and instead promoted him to the rank of field marshal. no german officer of this rank had ever surrendered, and the implication was clear. if paulus surrendered, he would shame himself. hitler believed paulus would either fight to the last man or commit suicide. choosing to live, paulus surrendered, saying, "i have no intention of shooting myself for that bavarian corporal."

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:陆军元帅的选择(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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