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英汉对照圣经故事:大卫 David

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  Second of the Israelite kings (r. c. 1000-c. 962 BC)。 David was an aide at the court of Saul until the monarch's jealousy forced him into outlawry. He became king of Israel on Saul's death. He captured Jerusalem from the Jebusites and made it his capital, defeated the Philistines, and gained control of many bordering kingdoms. He faced several revolts, including one by his third son, Absalom. He unified all Israel into one kingdom and made Jerusalem both the religious and political center. He made all other names for God mere titles or attributes for Israel's god Yahweh, who was worshiped in Jerusalem. Though the kingdom split under David's son and successor Solomon, religious unity endured, and the house of David symbolized the bond between God and Israel. The word messiah comes from hameshiach, the title of kings of the line of David.

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