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king pyrrhus of epirus was an ambitious ruler whose aim was to revive the empire of his second cousin, alexander the great. he went to italy in 280 bc, where he defeated the romans at heraclea, and advanced to within 37 miles of the city of rome.

the roman senate was about to vote on peace with pyrrhus, when appius claudius, a distinguished general who had been retired for many years and was blind, arrived. "my blindness," he said, "has been a great annoyance to me, but now that i hear about these dishonourable proposals of yours, i wish i were deaf as well. do you remember your brave words about alexander? you bragged that if he dared to come into italy, he would not now be called 'the great'." these words changed everything. the romans decided against seeking peace, and in 275 bc defeated pyrrhus at beneventum.

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