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51 The Eyesight of the vulture 秃鹫的视力

It was said that the eye of the vulture could see everything clearly as he gazed down from high above.

A vulture once bragged to the crow, "No one's eyesight can be better than mine."

"You're just boasting about your eyesight without any evidence," said the crow. "If it were so, then tell me what you can see in the wilderness."
乌鸦说:"空口无凭,既然你夸耀自己的眼力,那请说说在旷野上你看到了什么东西? "

The vulture answered, "Don't mock me when I say this, that there is a wheat grain in the wasteland of the wilderness?"
秃鹫答:¨我若说出来你可别笑我,有一颗麦粒掉落在旷野的 土地上。"

The crow was skeptical over what the vulture said, so both of them flew down towards that place to have a look.

As the vulture's position was just above the grain* a net was cast from above and he was trapped.

It never occurred to the vulture that he could be trapped as he prepared to peck at the grain.

The crow sighed and said, "Oh vulture, what is the use if you can see the small grain but could not see the trap set up by the enemy?"
乌鸦叹息道:“秃鹫啊,你看到麦粒有何用7你却看不到敌人 设置的陷阱。"

Trapped in the net, the vulture was resigned to his fate. He said, "One cannot escape losing his life in a vast and boundless ocean* no matter how good a swimmer he is.

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本文标题:那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事51:秃鹫的视力 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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