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重阳节英语孝顺小故事韩伯俞孝顺的故事(中英)He ancient times have a filial son call HanBoYu. His mother in his makes a mistake, always sternly taught him, and sometimes beat him. For he grew up, and when he makes a mistake, the teaching of the mother was still there. Once my mother beat him, he suddenly burst into tears. Mother was surprised, for decades play he never cry.

So he asked him: "why want to cry?" "Yu said:" my mother call my, I feel very pain. I can feel the mother is in order to education did I do so. But today mother dozen I, I have not feel pain. This shows the mother's body weaker and weaker, I cherished the mother of shorter time....... I can't help but think of this sorrow over from."

So, the parents to raising children, for the children grow healthy growth, day after day, year after year, time away, an aging. For the son of man, the more when parents filial piety.

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本文标题:重阳节英语孝顺小故事:韩伯俞痛亲力弱的故事(中英) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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