
中国成语寓言故事95:Blind Men Feel the Elephant盲人摸象(双语)

阅读 :

    Once upon a time, there was a king who ordered his officials:


    "Lead an elephant to me, and let several blind men feel it with their hands. Then ask each one of them to describe the shape of the elephant."


    The officials led the elephant to the king. Several blind men surrounded it and felt it with their hands. The king asked them:


    "What do you think the elephant resembles?"


      All these blind men strove to be the first to answer.


    One blind man felt the elephant's tusk and said:


    "The elephant resembles a long, long carrot."


    One blind man felt the elephant's ear and said:


    "The elephant resembles a dustpan."


    One blind man felt the elephant's head and said:


    "The elephant resembles a large stone."


    One blind man felt the elephant's foot and said:


    "The elephant resembles a stone mortar."


    One blind man felt the elephant's back and said:


    "The elephant resembles a bed."


    One blind man felt the elephant's belly and said:


    "The elephant resembles a water vat."


    "Ha! Ha! All of you are wrong." The last blind man pulled the elephant's tail and said:


    "Let me tell you that the elephant resembles a long, thin rope."


    Upon this the king and his officials all burst into laughter.


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本文标题:中国成语寓言故事95:Blind Men Feel the Elephant盲人摸象(双语) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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