
中国成语寓言故事18:Learning to Walk in Handan邯郸学步(双语)

阅读 :

    Handan was the capital of the State of Zhao during the Warring States Period.


    A young man in the State of Yan heard that the State of Zhao was more powerful than the State of Yan, so he was much interested in the State of Zhao. Consequently, he crossed over mountain after mountain by himself and got to Handan.


    Upon arrival at Handan, he felt that the State of Zhao was indeed more stable than the State of Yan. Even the way of walking of the people of the State of Zhao looked better than that of the people of the State of Yan. He made up his mind to learn how the people of the State of Zhao walked in Handan, so that in the future the people of the State of Yan could walk as gracefully as them.


    Yet, that was easier said than done. No matter how hard he tried, he was unable to learn the gait of the people of the State of Zhao. On the contrary, he even forgot completely how he walked in the State of Yan. In the end, he had no alternative but to crawl back from the State of Zhao to the State of Yan.




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