
百喻经之四四: 欲食半饼喻

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§44 欲食半饼喻

(44) eating half a pancake


once there was a man who felt hungry and longed to eat seven pancakes. he was already full when he had eaten six pancakes and a half. he was so sorry for having ordered seven of them that he slapped his own face and said, "half a pancake has filled me up. the other six are wasted. if only i had known that, i should have ordered only half a cake."


so are the people at large. there is actually no pleasure in life. there are only illusions, just like the stupid man getting full illusion with half a cake. being ignorant, people view wealth and honor as pleasure. it is sometimes a painful process to get them. it is also sometimes hard to keep them. it is all the more painful when they have lost them. therefore, they give no pleasure to people at all times.


it is just like people taken in by clothes and food as pleasure. they also bear illusions of the word "pleasure" when they are toiling and moiling. all buddhas have it that the three worlds1 has no peace but great suffering. ignorant man with wrong views still clings desperately to illusions.













本文标题:百喻经之四四: 欲食半饼喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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