
The Imposter

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  Once upon a time, there was a gild man whose name was Dhani Ram . He was a man of crores but he did not want to spend that money. Once he was going somewhere in the village, he saw a sweet shop where the shopkeeper was selling Jalebies. . He looked at the jalebies and wanted to eat them. But for eating them, he had to spend money. More over he also thought that after purchasing them, he had to distribute them to other known persons.

  He made a plan for eating jalebies. He came his house and called his servant. He gave him money and told him to bring jalebies from sweet shop. He also told him not to bring them here in home. You bring them near the bushes of the lake. I will wait there for you and for sweet jalebies.

  At this stage, Dhani Ram was making his plan of eating jalebies, and on the other side, a man who was completely identical with Dhani Ram was present in the palace before the king. He asked for what purpose he had come to palace, then, he replied, “Maharaj, I have come here to seek your permission to distribute some of my wealth which is with me.”

  “You can distribute your wealth as you desire.” The king permitted him.

  But the other men of the king‘s palace were astonished as to why Dhani Ram wanted his wealth to be distributed, because he was better known in the palace as a great miser.

  And then, the man who was posing as Dhani Ram infront of the king went to Dhani Ram‘s house. Reaching there, he found the servant. He told him, “ A stranger is in the town and he is impersonating me. Be careful with him. If he comes here, beat him very badly and send him away.”

  “Yes sir, you don‘t worry. Let him come. I will see him.”

  After entering in the house, the stranger saw Dhani Ram‘s wife wearing very dirty and bad clothes. He said to her, “Go to the market and purchase good clothes to wear. Also purchase something for children also.”

  After hearing this, the wife got puzzled and said, “Are you alright? What happened to you that you are becoming so generous. Is something wrong with you?”

  “Nothing is wrong with me, my dear. It is only this, that I am in a very generous mood today. You also tell everyone you meet today that I am giving my half of the wealth to the poor and needy persons.”

  After sometime, the people started coming to Dhani Ram‘s house and imposter to Dhani ordered them to pick up whatever they wanted.

  The people started collecting utensils, cereals, pulses, etc. whatever they required for their lives.

  But one man was very clever. He thought of good plan. He did not enter the house but he chooses a bullock cart, which was lying outside the house. He loaded it with valuable things from the store of Dhani Ram and drove it to his house. On the way, he was singing the praises of Dhani Ram.

  At that time Dhani Ram was sitting on a stone on the roadside and was eating jalebies. When he heard his own praise, he was surprised. He left the jalebies and started searching whose voice was it?

  Suddenly he saw a man coming in bullock cart, praising Dhani in a song. He stopped the bullock cart and as soon as he saw his own bullocks and cart, he shouted that a thief was taking all his wealth.

  But at the same time, the present cart owner replied him that all these things were given to him by Dhani.

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