
A Dream

阅读 :

 One day a beggar sat on a bench in a park. Soon he fell asleep.

  He said to the god:” God, give me a house .” Then he had a house.

  “There is a beautiful garden in front of the house. ” he said. Then there was a beautiful garden in front of the house.

  “There is a living room, a kitchen , a bathroom and a bedroom in the house.” Then there was a living room, a kitchen , a bathroom and a bedroom in the house.

  “And a big bed in the bedroom.” The beggar said at last. But there was nothing happen to him.

  “Ouch!” he fell onto the ground.

  The beggar just had a dream.

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本文标题: A Dream - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事

上一篇:The Three Lazy Ones 下一篇:东郭先生和狼


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