
格林童话集:The Three Sluggards 三个懒人

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A certain King had three sons who were all equally dear to him,
and he did not know which of them to appoint as his successor
after his own death.  When the time came when he was about to
die, he summoned them to his bedside and said, "Dear children,
I have been thinking of something which I will declare unto
you; whichsoever of you is the laziest shall have the kingdom."
The eldest said, "Then, father, the kingdom is mine, for I am so
idle that if I lie down to rest, and a drop falls in my eye, I will
not open it that I may sleep."  The second said; "Father, the kingdom
belongs to me, for I am so idle that when I am sitting by the fire
warming myself, I would rather let my heel be burnt off than draw
back my leg."  The third said, "Father, the kingdom is mine, for I am
so idle that if I were going to be hanged, and had the rope already
round my neck, and any one put a sharp knife into my hand with
which I might cut the rope, I would rather let myself be hanged than
raise my hand to the rope."  When the father heard that, he said, "Thou
hast carried it the farthest, and shalt be King."

英语故事 英语小故事 英文故事 英语童话故事


本文标题:格林童话集:The Three Sluggards 三个懒人 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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