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  Orion was a giant hunter.He was the beautiful son of Poseidon.One day,when hunting in the forest,he caughtsight of Artemis' fair maidens,the seven  Pleiades .Hewas so attracted by their beauty that he started chasing them.Indespair the charming maidens prayed to Artemis for help and were sent up by the goddess to the heavens as a  constellation .Later he fell in love with another maiden,Merope by name,butrash and impatient,he took the maiden by force and enraged her father,King Oenopion of Chios.The king made him drunk and put out his  eyes .Following the sound of the Cyclopes' hammer,he went to Hephaestus,who sent a guide to travel with him to the east,where the sun rose.Exposing his eyeballs to the rays of the sun,he was restored to his eyesight.He became aconstant companion of Artemis and followed the goddess in the chase with his dog Sirius.Apollo did not approve of this love,however.One day he dared his sister to shoot at a dark spot moving in the sea.Little did she suspect that she was aiming herarrow at Orion,for the dark spot turned out to be the head of Orion swimming in the ocean.Artemis was extremely sad.As she could not pull him back from the grasp of  Death  she sent him up to the sky as a constellation,with his hunting dog  Sirius  be sidehim.


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