When Ilus had first built his new seatㄛthe city of Troyㄛ he prayed Zeus to show some sign of blessing for itㄝ His prayer was heardㄛand a wooden image of Pallas- A-thena fell from heaven to within the walls of the cityㄝ Known as the Palladiumㄛ the statue afforded the city safety and protectionㄝ At religious meetings of the goddess it was carried through the city streets amid joys and songs of praiseㄝ
After the flames of war had spread for ten years before the walls of Troyㄛ a prophet foretold that Troy could never be expected to fall as long as the Palladium was treasured by its people ㄝIn order to steal it outㄛOdysseus and Diomedes slipped into the capital one night in disguise ㄛknown to none but HellenㄝThe bad woman took out them to He cubaㄛ the queen of Troyㄛ at whose feet Odysseus immediately bowed down and asked formercyㄝThe queen granted their requestㄛand with the help of Helenㄛthey successfully brought the image back to the Greek camp at dawnㄝ
Later it was said that Aeneas got hold of it and carried itwith him to his new landㄛwhere it was Preserved together with the goddess' fireㄝ
绞畛岭佴 场膘 医畛 ㄛ坻 绀佴棹脑衾 绀佴 善 缀ㄛ 腔 雌 萎饥砉植 邈善 爵 蝇蔚坳备焊 萎饥 砉 砉童 怅 睿艘忐 腔 撬 腔 谅 ㄛ坳 辣办腔 炀睿 艺腔貉 掩 彻 腔 衄谁耋
医畛膘伧 ㄛ 鸢 烂 晟模 ㄩ硐猁 萎饥腔 砉 镙腔乾渴ㄛ 医畛 憩 祥颇 镖 蔚 砉 堤 ㄛ 爵兜肃党佴睿菸塘苹肃佴 蜊啁 忑饮ㄛ 硐衄漆丰眭耋 跺褫填腔踬 参坻蝇赓庄跤 医畛铭缀祯亲蚝匙 兜肃党佴蕾觎岖给 腔 蟒錾 铭缀湘茼 坻蝇腔猁 ㄛ 漆丰腔堆 ㄛ坻蝇 窀腔 紧伧髡华湍 蛐砉隙善 帮 华
擂 缀懂除 佴腕善 蛐砉甜湍 坳善 撩腔陔锾华 砉睿 鸢 掩怅湔 输芩华
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