
十二张卡片 12 Post Cards

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Online English Writing Community

My teen-age daughter was preparing to return home after having visited her grandparents for a few weeks one summer. Her grandfather gave her 12 post cards .

  "Here, write us a few lines every month," he said.

  Months passed and the cards remained unused-that is until the day this letter arrived:

  "Dear Jennifer,

  Life is a series of stages.

  As a child, I looked forward to becoming a teenager-that happened.

  As a teen-ager ,I looked forward to becoming a young man-that happened.

  As a young man, I looked forward to meeting a young woman, in love and becoming a married man-that happened.

  As a married man, I looked forward to becoming a father-that happened.

  As a father, I looked forward to becoming a grandfather to beautiful ,intelligent grandchildren-that happened.

  Then I looked forward to the day they would learn to write-that hasn/'t happened yet.

  Yours Sincerely"


  (1) stage n.阶段

  (2) teenager n.青少年



  ① Where did Jennifer spend her summer?

  A. at home

  B. at the seaside

  C. at her grandparents/'

  D. at her uncle/'s

  ② What did the grandfather do when Jennifer was preparing to return home?

  A. He gave her some cards.

  B. He wrote her a note.

  C. He told her a story.

  D. He gave her a notebook

  ③ What were the cards should be used for, according to the grandfather?

  A. Jennifer should write a few lines on each of the cards every month and post them to him.

  B. Jennifer should keep the cards for her memory of the summer.

  C. Jennifer should post the cards to her friends.

  D. Jennifer should post the cards to their relatives.

  ④ What happened to the cards?

  A. They were tom by Jennifer.

  B. They were posted back to the grandfather.

  C. They were not used.

  D. They were made dirty by Jennifer.

  ⑤ What was the grandfather/'s feeling about the incident?

  A. angry

  B. sad

  C. disappointed but still hopefully expecting

  D. desperate












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