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Mrs. Watson had a nephew and a niece. They were lovely,nevertheless,they were naughty. But Mrs. Watson never had a negative attitude towards them. And she never neglected their education. She told them nitrogen forms most of the Earth’s air; What’s neutron; the nervous system is the network of nerves in the body. And she told them it was impolite to call back people Negroes. Mrs. Watson always kept neutral when the two children fought. They themselves would negotiate a peace treaty soon. The children nicknamed her “Glasses Aunt” because she wore her glasses all the time. Mrs. Watson was friendly to her neighbors. They greeted each other with a nod. That day, the children spent the afternoon netting butterflies. Mrs. Watson asked them to buy 200 grams net weight of sugar with ten nickels before they went home. A neighbor visited Mrs. Watson. He complained the children made too much noise and damaged his window. Fortunately, the damage was negligible. Mrs. Watson sat on pins and needles. She found the children. The boy was climbing a tree. He was trying to put a bird back into its nest. Glasses Aunt praised their noble deeds, but also she blamed their bad conducts. Neither her nephew nor her niece said anything. Later, the whole neighborhood noticed that the two children acted much better than before.



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本文标题:看英语小故事速记单词:沃森太太的教育方法(中英双语对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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