
少儿英文小故事:My creature

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  HOST: Look. This is a creature. She` s friendly. She` s also orange! Her name is Carrot. And she has ten eyes! Matt, Kim, and Maria are in school. And they` re making creatures.

  MARIA: Here` s my creature! She` s hay.

  MATT: Here` s my creature! He` s sad.

  MARIA: Kim, show us your creature!

  KIM: No.

  MATT: Come on. What color is she?

  KIM: She has three eyes.

  MARIA: Does she have short arms?

  KIM: No, she doesn` t . she has long arms.

  HOST: Kim` s creature is big and purple. She has three eyes, four long arms, and two short legs.

  KIM: This is my creature!

  MARIA: Hello, purple creature. My name` s Hay! What` s your name?

  KIM: Hello, Happy. My name is Smiles. My creature has a big re nose, and has lots of red hair! Hello. What` s your name?

  MATT: My name is Blue.

  KM: Hello, Blue. You` re sad. That` s not good.

  MATT: Yes. I` m sad.


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