English Corner

The Goose that laid the Gold Eggs

阅读 : 426 次


    A farmer and his wife once had a goose that laid a solid gold egg every day.Each evening they settled it securely in its pen in the corner of their kitchen with a bowl of the best corn and a saucer of freshwater Each morning they found a new,bright yellow egg in its nest of sweet hay.

    One day the farmer's wife said to her husband:“These eggs are all very well,my dear,but though I suppose we will be rich in the end,it is a very slow way of making a fortune.By the time we get it,it will not be worth half what it is today.Now I have an idea.It is obvious to me that there must be a great store of golden eggs inside our goose.Why should we wait all our lives for her to lay them?Go and get a knife and we'11 have all the gold now while we can still enjoy it.”

    “Well,”said the farmer doubtfully,“it seems a sad way to treat a good bird But on the other hand…”

    Without another word he killed the goose and cut her open-only to find that inside she was just like any other goose,with no sign of a golden egg at all.

    “We'll not get rich quickly or slowly now,my dear,”said the farmer sadly.

    Don't be greedy.

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