
Thomas the Tapir

阅读 :

  Thomas was a tapir who lived with his father and mother, aunts, uncles, and cousins, far away in South America. Before Thomas was very old he decided that he liked eating flowers better than anything.

  “Come along, Thomas,” his mother would call in her high squeaking voice. “Try some of these leaves.” But Thomas would not.

  All the rest of the tapir family ate the leaves and fruit that grew all around, and one day when Thomas had finished the nearby flowers he wandered away to look for more.

  After some time Mother Tapir lifted her snout from the grass and looked for Thomas. Father Tapir looked, and all the aunts and uncles too, but they couldn't see Thomas anywhere. All the while Thomas was going further away until he left the forest and came close to a town.

  At one end of the town was a beautiful park, full of flower beds, where red, yellow, blue, white and pink flowers blossomed in the hot sunshine. Nearer and nearer to the park came Thomas. He sniffed the air, and found he could smell flowers. He broke into a trot, a gallop, then hurtled through the park gates. Into the flower beds he rushed and began to tear up flowers and eat them as fast as he could.

  When the park keeper saw Thomas he was angry. He called the gardeners and a policeman.

  After that Thomas was taken to the zoo. He is very happy there, for his cage is opposite a big flower bed. Every time his keeper passes by, he picks a flower and throws it to Thomas.

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