
Androcles and Benjamin

阅读 :

  There was once a lion called Benjamin. He was very big and strong, and his mane was long and silky.

  Every night Benjamin went down to the river to drink his fill in the light of the setting sun. One evening on the way up the bank he fell into a thorny bush. He wrenched himself free, but as he went on his way he realized he had a thorn in his foot.

  As he hobbled along he saw a poor slave called Androcles who had run away from his cruel master. Benjamin stopped, looked at Androcles and thought: “This human looks kind. I wonder if he can help me with my bad foot?”

  He held up his paw to Androcles, who knelt down and gently pulled the thorn out.

  Soon after, Androcles was caught by his cruel master and was told that, as a punishment for running away he would have to fight a lion in front of the Emperor. Benjamin was caught, too, by some hunters.

  Androcles stood in front of the Emperor and all the people waiting for the lion. He was very frightened. The captured lion in the cage was frightened, too.

  The lion was let out of the cage, and came bounding towards Androcles. He stopped and started. Androcles stopped and started. Benjamin-for the lion was Benjamin-rolled over on his back with all four feet in the air, thinking: “It's that kind human being who healed my paw.”

  The Emperor was so surprised that he let them both go free, and they went back to the forest and lived happily ever after.

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