
百喻经之二六: 人效王眼瞤喻

阅读 :

§26 人效王眼瞤喻

(26) the king's blinking habit is imitated


once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to please the king. he asked the others how to do it and was told, "if you want to please the king, you should imitate him."


he then went to the palace where he saw the king blinking. thereupon, he imitated and the king asked him, "do you have sore eyes? is the wind disturbing your eyes? why are you blinking?"


he replied, "not at all on seeing your majesty, i want to be just like you to please your majesty."


upon hearing those words, the king got very angry. the man was punished by hard blows and sent into exile.


so are the people at large. they wish to approach buddha, king of the law, to achieve advancement. once there, buddha reveals to them his human weaknesses for the welfare of all mankind. when they sometimes hear of using incorrect phrases in his teachings, they may be unable to understand buddha and they start to ridicule and defame him. they imitate all his weaknesses. for this reason, they lose the benefit they have got from buddhism forever and fall into three evil paths of transmigration accordingly.

this is just like the story of the man imitating the king's blinking habit.


① 欲得王意:想得到国王的赏识。

② 眼瞤(rún):跳,眼皮跳动。

③ 著风:受风后眼部痉挛。

④ 瞋恚:瞋,瞪眼,恚,愤怒。

⑤ 摈:抛弃。摈令出国,下令赶出国门。

⑥ 法王:释迦牟尼的尊称。

⑦ 如来:佛陀的又一尊称。

⑧ 三恶:即地狱道、饿鬼道、畜生道。佛教认为:若作恶多端,来世堕入三恶,受恶报。









                 (摘自《百喻经注释与辨析》荆三隆 邵之茜著)



本文标题:百喻经之二六: 人效王眼瞤喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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