
The Bull, the Tup, the Cock, and the Steg

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  A bull, a tup , a cock, and a steg set out together to seek their fortune. When it got to night, they came to a house, and asked for a night's lodging, but the folks said no. However, at last they were let come into the kitchen. The bull said he would lie on the floor, the tup said he would lie by his side, the cock would perch on the rannel bank, and the steg would stand at t' back of the door.

  At midnight, when all was quiet, two men, meaning to rob the house, were heard parleying outside which should go in, and which watch outside. One went in, the bull got up and knocked him about, the tup did the same, and the cock said, “Fetch him here, I'll pick out his eyen.”

  So he says, “I'd best be out of this.”

  As he went to the door, the steg took him by the nose with its neb, and beat him with its wings.

  The other said when he got out, “What have you done?”

  “Done!” says he, “The devil knocked me about; when he'd done, one of his imps set on. A thin wi' glowering eyen said, 'Fetch him here,' etc. and when I got to the door, a blacksmith took me by the snout with his tongs, and flapped me by the lugs with his leather apron.”


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