
Another Adventure of Pip and Oscar

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  Oscar, a little black dog, was lying in his basket one day, when his great friend Pip, woke him up.

  “Oscar,” he said, “follow me. The villagers need our help. Peter Howard has not come home for his tea.”

  Oscar jumped out of his basket and raced after Pip-soon they were in the heart of the forest.

  “Do you think he could have come this far?” queried Oscar. “Oh, yes,” replied Pip. “He felt home just after lunch, and its past his tea time now.” The dogs went on searching until the sun was setting and they knew the night was not far away.

  Just then, Pip saw something. “Look, this is a little boy's handkerchief,” he said. “Peter cannot be far away.” They carried on along the path and barked loudly so that Peter would know they were near. Soon they heard a little voice shouting: “I am over here!” And, lying behind a clump of bushes, they found Peter.

  He was so overjoyed to see Pip and Oscar. “I didn't think anyone would ever find me here. I fell over and hurt my ankle, and now I can't walk very well.”

  “Never mind, Peter,” said Pip. “Just hop on my back and we will soon be home.”

  When they reached the village there were loud shouts ob joy and the men praised the two dogs and said they were the bravest dogs in the whole of Africa.

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