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每周一篇英文日志,坚持一年,你的英语能力将发生质的飞跃! China Classifieds!

  Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen were sworn brothers. One day, Lin's wife, a very pretty woman, suffered sexual harassment from the son of Gao Qiu, a very high official, when she was praying in a temple. At the news, Lin rushed over, give Gao Qiu's son a good beating, thus offending GaoQiu. Gao framed Lin with a false accusation, then had him flogged and banished him to Cangzhou. Gao secretly instructed the two guards to kill Lin on the way. On the way Lin had a very hard time, bruised and flogged almost every day. Seeking an occasion, the two guard Lin's feet with boiling water. Lin walked each step with unbearable pain. One day, they came to a densely wooded place, where sunshine was unable to penetrate the leaves. The two guards told Lin to stop by a tree for a rest. They tied him fast to the tree, saying that it was for safety concerns. Only after they finished did they reveal their real purpose: "We have been instructed by Gao Qiu to kill you," they said. While one of the guards lifted his cudgel and Lin lowered his head waiting for the fatal blow, Lu Zhishen jumped from nowhere and fended off the blow. Lu had heard of how Lin was framed and had followed all the way there, thus saving Lin's life. Lin asked him to spare the two guards. Lu agreed, but instructed that they wait upon Lin attentively all the way to Cangzhou.


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