
The Water Babies (2)

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  Tom suddenly found himself to be less than four inches long. The fairies had turned him into a water baby. He swam downstream, passing salmon going upstream. On the banks were men fishing. One of them fell into the swift current, rolled over and sank to the bottom of a deep hole. Tom saw that it was his old master, Mr. Grimes. Fairies carried the body away.


  Tom reached the sea in the autumn. One day a man and a little girl were walking on the rocks at water's edge. She was Ellie, the same little girl Tom had seen in the great house. The man groped with his net in the weeds and caught little Tom by accident. Tom bit the man's finger and dropped back into the water. Excited, Ellie slipped and hit her head on a rock. That night, fairies came to her bed and carried her away.


  Tom found many water babies living in the sea. A kind fairy lady visited them from time to time. But Tom was naughty: he teased the crabs and anemones and stole sweets from the fairy's cupboard. As punishment, he was turned into a sea urchin. The fairy also found a girl to give Tom some schooling.


  So she taught Tom every day of the week; only on Sundays she always went away home, and the kind fairy took her place. And, before she had taught many Sundays, his prickles had vanished quite away, and his skin was smooth and clean again.


  "Dear me!" said the little girl; "why, I know you now. You are the same little chimney sweep who came into my bedroom. "Dear me!" cried Tom. "And I know you, too, now. You are the very little white lady whom I saw in bed."

  "天啊,"小女孩叫道,"咳,我现在认出你了。你就是那个闯进我卧室的扫烟囱的小孩。" "天啊,"汤姆也叫起来,"我现在也认出你了,你就是那个我看到躺在床上的一身白的小姐。"

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