
The Water Babies (3)

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  The fairy lady told Tom that he had to find Mr. Grimes. He swam for a long time, asking other sea creatures for directions. One day a ship on the surface was hit by a huge wave. A little black and tan terrier was washed over board. It turned into a water dog and became Tom's companion. Tom followed the dog through a hole at the bottom of the sea.


  They made their way to a large prison building. There they saw Mr. Grimes stuck in a chimney with only his head and shoulders showing. Tom pulled at the bricks, but he could not move even one. The fairy lady appeared and told Grimes that his mother had gone to heaven.


  "So my old mother's gone and I never there to speak to her! Ah! A good woman she was, and might have been a happly one, in her little school there in Vendale, if it hadn't been for me and my bad ways.


  "Ah!" said Grimes, "Good reason she had to hate the sight of a chimney sweep. I ran away from her and took up with the sweeps, and never let her know where I was, nor sent her a penny to help her, and now it's too late――too late l" He began to cry. His tears washed the soot off his face, washed the mortar from between the bricks, and the chimney crumbled down, freeing him.

  "啊,"格兰姆斯说,"她不喜欢看到扫烟囱的人,这难怪啊。我当初离她而去后干的就是扫烟囱的活儿,我一直不让她知道我在哪儿,也没有寄过分文来帮助她;现在太迟了――太迟了!" 他开始哭了起来,眼泪洗去了脸上的煤烟,也洗掉了砖块间的泥灰,于是烟囱倒了下来,他获得了自由。

  The fairy said that Tom's work was done. She took him up to the surface where, on an island, he met Ellie again. They were now grown up into a tall man and she into a beautiful woman. Together they lived happily ever after.


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